Tell us about your project:

This form takes about 5 minutes to complete. Call us at 914-314-2438 or send an email to if you have any questions.


Please enter "TBD" if it is not yet set. If your event is multiple days, please list those below.
We need 3-4 hours of set up time before your rehearsal. Most morning events will require day before set up and rehearsal.
Enter "TBD" if you do not have a venue yet. If your event is in more than one venue, then put the main venue for now and elaborate in the notes at the end of this form.
Enter "TBD" if you do not have a venue yet. If your event is in more than one venue, then put the main venue for now and elaborate in the notes at the end of this form
For the IT savvy: We require a dedicated wired internet connection of at least 10mbps up and down with ports 1935, 443, and 80 open for outbound traffic
Rough estimate is fine.
Rough estimate is fine.
Is someone setting up microphones and a sound system for the people speaking at your event? (If not, we will need to include an audio solution in your quote).
If not, we can need to include lighting in your quote.

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